Philosophy in Action

Fans Have More Friends
We started with a simple insight: to be a fan is to be part of a community. We set out to test a hypothesis: if social relationships incentivize fan engagement then fans should have a more robust social infrastructure, i.e., Fans Have More Friends. However, our process revealed insights far beyond sports. More friends = more meaningful social connections = improved well-being. This all has a demonstrable counteracting impact on the loneliness and polarization that ails our culture. We did not start here; we surveyed tens of thousands of fans, conducted scores of interviews, and reviewed dozens of papers until we arrived at a startling, unconventional conclusion: Fandom is good for you, good for others, and good for society.
We are a strategic research company that seeks to transform the way you think about the most pressing questions challenging your business.
We offer three types of services:
Primary Research
We specialize in a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods and customize these methodologies to your strategic needs
Data Decoding
We humanize data so all can understand, working tirelessly to connect the patterns we see in the field with your consumer data
We bring what we learn to life through creative storytelling techniques that allow you to share broadly within your organization

David Sikorjak
Born in New York, raised outside the city, spent time in Atlanta and San Francisco, and now lives in Manhattan with his wife Tammy and their two boys Alex (8) and Julian (5)
- Head Coach of both boys Little League teams
- A lifelong Yankees, Knicks, and Jets fan
- An active practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga
- Graduated from Kennesaw State University with a degree in Finance and was a fellow at the Punch Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program at Columbia School of Journalism in 2013
- Before Dexterity
- Began his career in Digital Strategy at Publicis Modem
- Moved to lead Consumer Insights & Marketing Strategy for MSNBC and NBC News
- Then led Insights and Analytics at the Madison Square Company